What is an Intuitive Energy Healing?

Using a combination of Reiki & a special technique I received from source, an Intuitive Energy Healing allows us to gain insight to the inner workings of your being, creating the opportunity for us to not only delve deep into root causes, but this is where I will also clear & release any energetic blocks & cords that are inhibiting you from moving forward within your life, along with activating & rebalancing your Chakras.

Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique that also helps to promote healing on an energetic level. Reiki energy is channeled through the Reiki Practitioner to the client via the hands gentle touch if the session is face to face, or through the auric field if direct physical contact is not possible or permitted. 

This technique promotes relaxation and assists in helping to release any tension and blocked energy stored within the four main aspects of the body- physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. This practice is focused around the 7 main energy centres within our energetic body, which then connect to areas of our physical body. Many will know these energy centres as “Chakra’s”. 

These energy centres are located along the spine and act as what I like to call ‘gateways’ within the aspects of the body. The 7 main energy centres are as follows: Root or Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye & Crown. Each energy centre has an individual energetic role or responsibility to play within us, to keep us funtioning at our prime. When an energy centre is blocked, or not functioning as it should, this signals a physical, emotional or spiritual response within our being. 

This is where my job comes in as a Reiki Practitioner. 

As a Reiki Practioner, I am able to connect into your energetic body and gain insight as to what’s going on within. I am here to facilitate a connection to help promote rebalancing, clearing, clarity & relaxation within my client, so that you are able to move foward with a deeper, more aligned connection to self. Your healing is your responsibility, I am here to facilitate a connection and offer guidance & support for you on your individual journey.


What does a Distant Energy Healing Session entail?

Prior to the commencement of your online Zoom session, I sit for about 30mins and connect in. This is where I call upon your angels & guides to draw in close, and invite spirit to step forward if they choose to do so; and gain brief insight as to where I’m needed to focus during the session. Your angels will show me a scan of your body & they will hotspot certain areas that I’ll note down for discussion.

**Please note this is not a medical diagnosis of any kind, as I am not a medical practitioner. These are energetic hotspots. Please see your medical professional for any medical advice.** 

Once you log in for your appointment, we will have a brief discussion to run through the process & some of the brief information that I received.

We will then begin the Energy Healing session. You will be guided in with a brief meditation, accompanied by gentle music to aid relaxation. The Energy work aspect of the session will run for 30-40mins. Once the Energy Healing is complete, we will discuss the session & any information that was received during the process.

You will be given information via email after your session in regards to what you can expect in the time following your appointment. I will also provide you with information and guidance through our discussion as to what you can do to help you move forward with what it is you are wanting for or within yourself & your life.

*Please note, that due to my open connection, my psychic & mediumship abilities do play a role during these sessions.* 

New Energy Healing clients will be sent a Client Form to fill out prior to your scheduled booking,.

It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, the Reiki energy will still be received and my ability to connect in will not be affected by distance.

Please refer to the FAQ’s & Cancellation Policy page for further information.

Your investment for an Energy Healing is $289 AUD